Buttons are useful on websites for a variety of reasons. Some of the main benefits of using buttons on a website include:
Navigation: Buttons can be used to help users navigate around a website by allowing them to move between different pages or sections.
User input: Buttons can be used to allow users to provide input or take action on a website. For example, a "submit" button can be used to submit a form, or a "buy now" button can be used to initiate a purchase.
User feedback: Buttons can be used to provide feedback to users about their actions. For example, a button might change color or display a message after it has been clicked to indicate that the action was successful.
Visual appeal: Buttons can add visual appeal to a website by providing a sense of interactivity and making the site more engaging for users.
Overall, buttons are an important element of web design because they allow users to interact with a website and perform tasks, which can enhance the user experience.
So here is a collection of the buttons! show on my code pen.
See the Pen Animated Link Button with pure html and css by Mudasir Abbas Turi (@ussturi) on CodePen.