HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transmitting data over the internet. It defines a set of methods that indicate the desired action to be performed on a specific resource.
The most commonly used HTTP methods are:
GET: Retrieves information about a resource.
POST: Submits information to be processed by the resource identified by the URI.
PUT: Replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.
PATCH: Partially updates a resource.
DELETE: Deletes a resource.
HEAD: Same as GET, but only returns the headers, not the resource itself. Example: HEAD /users/123
OPTIONS: Describes the communication options for the target resource. Example: OPTIONS /users
CONNECT: Establishes a tunnel to the server identified by the target resource.
TRACE: Performs a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource.
The last one is HTTP Method is HTTP2 (HTTP/2) is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web.
It was developed to reduce the latency and overhead of HTTP.